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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Response Question #3

For your third response question, (due one hr. before class on Wed./Thurs.) I would like for you to spend some time working on your Short Story Essay. Come up with a tentative thesis and explore the thesis in a freewrite. Include at least three quotes from the story that support your tentative thesis. This is meant to be a time to work out some of your ideas, but you are not required to use any of them in the final draft of your paper. Review the PowerPoint presentation from last week if you get stuck!

1 comment:

  1. Jim, who was turning thirty was living a noneventful life. Even eating was noneventful for Jim. "I never really thought much about meat. It was all the same to me, the body's fuel, something to savor, a moment on the tongue before the digestive system went to work on it." Jim met an animal advocate, Alena. "I dropped out of veterinary school after I saw what they did to the animals." Jim fell for Alena because she was very impressive. Bare-legged, fluid as tall and uncompromising as her Nordic ancestors, and dressed in a Gore-Tex bikini and hooded sweatshirt unzipped to the waste. "She blew me away."
